Jest 6 rano ...zbyt wcześnie, zbyt ciemno i zbyt zimno by wstać

Niedziela, 16 lutego 2014 · Komentarze(0)
Za każdym razem gdy dzwoni budzik rano...zwłaszcza w niedzielę przypominają mi się początkowe słowa do filmiku:

It's six am and your hand can't make it to the alarm clock fast enough before the voices in your head start telling you that its too early, too cold, and too dark to get out of bed. Aching muscles lie still in rebellion pretending not to hear your brain commanding them to move. A legion of voices are shouting their permission for you to hit the snooze button and go back to dream land. But you didn't ask their opinion. The one voice you're listening to is a voice of defiance. The voice that says there is a reason you set that alarm in the first place. So sit up, put your feet on the floor and don't look back, because we've got work to do. Welcome to the grind."

Rise and shine

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